The explorer is running in 'regtest' mode. This saves disk space, but there is limited data.
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Height: 599
Hash: 06801ff77d4c999d7e00f19ac5a6cad9a9529983865860808396a8dfc822aaba
Previous block: 2b39ad43db0c1ce51d498c56ec92d151dab5118bc09c753230d2604563e15055
Next block: 0763b15017c0386986b290d697b28f905230db8d0dfe6454c4d7363abf989f8e
Weight: 948
Versionhex: 20000000
Version: 536870912
Time: 1564711429
Stripped size: 228
Size: 264
Nonce: 5
Merkle root: 6ff5d176e29d87e92ac2a90774678add67e2e58dbb4964eed8d2f63009eaa373
Median time: 1564711428
Difficulty: 4.656542373906925e-10
Confirmations: 5
Chainwork: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004b0
Bits: 207fffff