The explorer is running in 'regtest' mode. This saves disk space, but there is limited data.
The code for this application can be found at

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Height: 551
Hash: 0ea99a4120b526d23b05a8d8690a2eb2fb9e50e3de1a2a65c3b3bead0a1d1b91
Previous block: 2e3d451959f2b5eec1327143bfffa50be9e1a53eff71418683cd234f268a0c3e
Next block: 2df867158147239be63e12a253d43309b57edbe0413ce3e93ed7cdfa6a214c12
Weight: 948
Versionhex: 20000000
Version: 536870912
Time: 1564711421
Stripped size: 228
Size: 264
Nonce: 0
Merkle root: 277f6896cc55572b669501285b70a8e011270bb981f3ea5d3c608976cd82ba1c
Median time: 1564711420
Difficulty: 4.656542373906925e-10
Confirmations: 53
Chainwork: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000450
Bits: 207fffff