The explorer is running in 'regtest' mode. This saves disk space, but there is limited data.
The code for this application can be found at

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Enter a block height, e.g. 123, or the start of a bitcoin address, e.g. mkrgsKuFE

Height: 571
Hash: 34cb1aad43ba3a9d90ce0ce345846585e43474bb27186389153b15317ebbc789
Previous block: 609c11d6a880bf5047b5a0674238ef416ea534c3ad8911950e46baa793cd622e
Next block: 016f6fe42a7177774e7ee3519e8780f1983b94131d7f29b415a771ec3f9c39cb
Weight: 948
Versionhex: 20000000
Version: 536870912
Time: 1564711424
Stripped size: 228
Size: 264
Nonce: 5
Merkle root: 398631f0ee8bb84dec09d58c4a56c12a08cb7e2dc672ab09bb7144f80687b903
Median time: 1564711423
Difficulty: 4.656542373906925e-10
Confirmations: 33
Chainwork: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000478
Bits: 207fffff