The explorer is running in 'regtest' mode. This saves disk space, but there is limited data.
The code for this application can be found at

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Enter a block height, e.g. 123, or the start of a bitcoin address, e.g. mkrgsKuFE

Height: 203
Hash: 53929852d700737a22692ef779117c1ab08c3e9c894c73969b07a32b064a8a3b
Previous block: 1cc938c3f2bc3b59130af04264b31548dab69a4d72717619bbb75758390acba9
Next block: 59b45d3aac6bc5753e9aeb8dd0bd4543ed32ce9cc42c074c4d684e4d7db518cb
Weight: 912
Versionhex: 30000003
Version: 805306371
Time: 1564711363
Stripped size: 228
Size: 228
Nonce: 0
Merkle root: f3ca626cc9be28c7de23fdc990a6c4b067109dd0894e5c7181efe79c5b2b9488
Median time: 1544074766
Difficulty: 4.656542373906925e-10
Confirmations: 401
Chainwork: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000198
Bits: 207fffff