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Height: 192
Hash: 55a75137721698c3a803564162abf1c192576e45ed469ce84ea50d89270acea0
Previous block: 7ab664df17e13564256bb4fc886207b806dc6a96e60a7ad708febb5c6ac05ac0
Next block: 60add3f63845d47803b9e149a276f24d5ab0ddc785623f4460a173b0b42675c1
Weight: 912
Versionhex: 30000003
Version: 805306371
Time: 1544074765
Stripped size: 228
Size: 228
Nonce: 0
Merkle root: f70ae5c05bfbaa8c0d36db7f04d745e30963d40f016a73425c9b220fbcba5e0c
Median time: 1544074764
Difficulty: 4.656542373906925e-10
Confirmations: 10
Chainwork: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000182
Bits: 207fffff